Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Bad Weather

Surprising that I still have thoughts to post! During weekdays, probably I can only post something lighter. In the past two weekends, I posted serious stuff which is not so easy to digest, but all these thoughts were results of  accumulation of testing, trying, reading. Whatever I say, I believe so and tried. I never copy from books or from anybody's website, everything is originally written. May be after I eventually finish posting , I can even publish the content of this blog and make a few cents since I have no link to even Adsense.

Shall we take picture in bad weather? Many of us put away our camera when there is even one droplet of rain. Relax, cameras are more rugged than you can imagine. As long as it is not pouring, as long as water never goes inside the camera, it is fine after you give it a wipe dry but don't put it away until next morning. This will allow all moisture to air dry. Of course, I do not expect anyone to use a hair dryer!

I arrived a few years ago from Xian to Hong Kong using Dragon Air, being a service "budgetted" airline, we disembarked in the middle of the open airfield miles away from the bridge. It was pouring with heavy rain. I managed to squeeze into the bus and saw this through the bus window. Rain water was running down the glass, however, the sky was bright enough to give this sufficient exposure. Poor Dragon Air Staff was standing in the rain, barely covered with a SGD 2.- rain coat. I still remember the camera was Leica M4, with Fuji ISO 400 negative colour film, through a 35mm F2 summicron (my favourite focal length). The camera was safe, but the sense of heavy rain was so evident. The picture is a powerful memory peg of the moment.

Next time I will post more picture in bad weather but with a different story to tell.


At 17 July 2011 at 06:31 , Blogger KT said...

Very unique...normally only get to see picture in good wealther. This is the first picture that I have seen in bad weather. Just curious what time was it taken.


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