Old picture
My passion for photography started when I was 15, I had no clue what photography was about, I just knew that my uncle is a keen photo-taker. I use photo-taker because he was not seeing photography as an expression of his view of the world but as a mean to play around with the mechanics of the camera. I saw him taking pictures of my aunt, shooting a street which was next to his camera shop just to test out his cameras. I have never seen his photo album, only occasionally some pictures he took of me.
I have always been curious how this plastic film inserted into a camera could get an image on paper. When I was 15, I went to one of the oldest HK used camera shop and paid HKD 500.- for a Nikkomat FT2 camera (I hope there are friends out there who know which camera) and a 50mm F 1.8 lens. Such a good piece of equipment.
I used the camera to take pictures of my girl friend who ended my became my wife. Of course in between I also took pictures of other girls, but kindly remember to destroy all records of pictures who are not of your wife after you got married, otherwise this will haunt you as long as you live.
If you ask me about the quality of the picture, I can only say that it is as good as I can after all, the picture is 30+ years old, luckily I did not try to save money and sent this to a proper lab. I am happy that I start photo-taking when I was young and this is to share with you a precious memory of me.
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