Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Pictures from recent trip

I have not been posting for a while mainly because I have been on the road for many days a months. To satisfy my own self realization of existence, I will start posting a few selected shot with lighten being the most important feature.

Since I have been using only one camera set for the last 2 weeks, I am getting quite familiar with the capability of the camera, although it is a digital camera, I still use manual focusing, most of the time using 21 mm (31.5mm with the cropped factor of 1.5x)

With 21 mm len, distance set at 8 feet, aperture at 5.6, almost everything from 5 feet to infinity should be in focus, therefore with the M43/ APS sensor, shooting manual lens is practically possible with good result. 

I hope my readers can see the subtleness of the color of rainbow in a late evening after the sun was set. If you like to see the full size picture, please email me.