Saturday, 4 June 2011


My pictures in this blog are selected. Believe me, for every picture which is acceptable, there are at least 9 pictures not acceptable. This statistic is not just using the auto frame advance function of the modern camera and shoot away without thinking. I mean of 10 deliberately composed and thought out pictures, there might be only 1 which is acceptable and worth reviewing again.

Now show you a rejected picture.

What have I got here. A lovely perfectly shaped flower, there was sun after rain shower, so the flower was sprayed with droplets, the lighting was slightly from behind. Is this a good picture?

I did not take a second look at it. Why? Self critic is the most difficult job, but at least I can say the following:

- the lighting is harsh
- the shape of the flower is too symmetrical, therefore feels a bit boring.
- The background, while blur, is messy without any guided form or shape
- the flower is too common
- there are a few light spots on the right side, distracting viewer's eye sight. 

As a result, although this is a technical perfect picture, it is aesthetically not acceptable.

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